2730 May 2021
2730 May 2021

Wed, 02/03/2021 - 09:17

Digital focus at Southern Sweden Design Days 2021

SSDD Digital logo

27–30 May 2021 the first edition of Southern Sweden Design Days will take place. The premiere of the annual event will have an increased digital focus.

During the four event days, a digital platform is created showcasing a full range of design disciplines through seminars, workshops, exhibitions and networking events. The development of new exciting digital formats is fully underway in close collaboration with Southern Sweden Design Days’ participants.

“Through a co-creative process that takes advantage of the dedication and drive that is typical for the region, we are developing a design event where the content is produced bottom-up by the creators and Form/Design Center act as a unifying organiser”, says Dorte Bo Bojesen, CEO Form/Design Center.

Activities in the city

If the situation allows in May, physical activities in different places in the city will be open to visitors in an adapted and safe way during the official event days. The programme at Southern Sweden Design Days ‘main location’ at Lokstallarna in Kirseberg will be adapted and broadcast digitally without visitors on site.

This year's theme

The theme for Southern Sweden Design Days 2021 is “1 + 1 = 3”. This year's theme encourages collaborations and cross-fertilisations with the aim of highlighting the region's openness. The event's overall focus is sustainability, collaboration, development and innovation.

Southern Sweden Design Days is organised by Form/Design Center – the main venue for architecture, design and craft in southern Sweden.