2730 May 2021
2730 May 2021

Project film

Studio Visits – Superlab + Nola + C Petersson


Research + Design = Urban Office

Meet local designers in their natural habitat – their studios. You’ll get to peak into different studios and get a glimpse of their brilliant projects.


SUPERLAB is an experimental design laboratory, an ongoing project. Their main focus is to look into the future of office design and the interior of tomorrows work environment. They design, develop, create, disrupt, innovate and refine products, services and organizations through research and experience.


Nola is a market leading company when it comes to furniture for the public space with  Europe’s widest range of products. For more than 30 years, they have developed products and visions for the urban space. Nola collaborates with many of Sweden’s most well-known designers from idea to manufacturing.

Charlotte Petersson

Charlotte Petersson is a licensed student in Urban Studies as well as Assistant Professor in Leadership and Organization with a background in Work Science. Since 2010, Charlotte has developed her idea of exploring possible ways of integrating urban outdoor environments into daily working life. In 2017, this resulted in the interactive research project “StickUt Malmö”, which is a combined research and practical change project in collaboration between the City of Malmö and Malmö University, funded by the European Social Fund. The core of the project is a common learning process about the forms and standards of the work.
