2730 May 2021
2730 May 2021

Project film

Moody Mug

Moody Mug

Form + Emotion = Moody Mug

Is it possible to capture an emotion in a form? This is explored in Moody Mug – a collection of ten cups which all express one emotion each. The aim is to encourage the user to approach their inner self.

Shall we have a coffee? I want to get to know you. This is often how it starts when we approach each other. Therefore, the coffee cup was chosen as the object for Emma Gudmunds’ exploration of the relationship between form, emotion and people. 

Emotions are something very physical, which is reflected in the form of the objects. They all have the same body and it is through the different movements of the handles that each emotion is manifested. Just as with emotions, the cups get a more distinct expression when they are put in a context, in relation to each other.
